Monday, December 9, 2013

The Choice between Virtue and Vice-Veronese

     This piece by Veronese was part of the same aforementioned series by Veronese commissioned by Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor.
     The painting shows a man struggling between allegorical personifications of Virtue and Vice. Virtue, on the left, is seated atop a worldly bust amongst statue. The art she is surrounded by represents a sense of civilization and order. The entablature engraved on the structure says, " Honor and Virtue flourish after death. Vice, is marked by a treacherous landscape at her command. She aggressively pulls at the man's garments and rips his tights at the bottom.
     I think this is a relatable subject for us as we get through finals week. As the temptations of winter break approach, academics, order, and moderation must be kept in check.

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